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Review and Summary of Stepan Bandera:
The Life and Afterlife of a Ukrainian Nationalist – Fascism, Genocide, and Cult
December 06, 2022

In 2014, just before the Maidan Revolution and coup shook the world Polish-German historian Grzegorz Rossolinski-Liebe published an extraordinary book. This book is vital for anyone who wants to understand Bandera, the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), Ukrainian Nationalism and why, rather than being a fringe phenomenon Bandera and his organization were mainstreamed after 1991 in Ukraine by its ‘pro-European’ politicians.

Although Bandera is on the cover and the book does cover his biography the focus of the book is less on Bandera’s life than Bandera the phenomenon. He is the central character of the book, but it is not – so to speak – history from his first-person perspective. Indeed, the biography of Bandera is the central focus of only three chapters. The rest are dedicated to the OUN and the Bandera cult, not Bandera the man.

Rossolinski-Liebe makes this clear by situating the social and political milieu Bandera would move in as the focus of the first chapter – before he gives any information about Bandera’s biography. Ukrainian nationalism was, from its birth, a far-right nationalism. In part this was because Ukrainians found themselves in two separate empires, the Habsburg and Russian Empires. The only way Ukraine could be made as a state and to some extent a people was by rending apart two powerful empires and forcing Ukrainians to shed their imperial identities and have only Ukrainian ones.

Ukrainian nationalist intellectuals, such as Mykhailo Hrushevs’kyi invented a glorious past to try and put Ukrainians on the same plane as other ‘Great Peoples’ in Europe. Others such as Mykola Mikhnovs’kyi – ironically an eastern Ukrainian – went further though and quickly took Ukrainian nationalism in a racist direction. It was Mikhnovs’kyi who demanded a Ukraine exclusively for ethnic Ukrainians – Jews, Russians, Poles, Hungarians, Tatars and others were to be expelled – and demanded a ‘greater Ukraine’ that would have extended from the Carpathians to the Caucasus. He also wrote the decalogue of the Ukrainian nationalist which stated among other things ‘do not marry aa foreign woman because your children will be your enemies…’ Mikhnovs’kyi in turn strongly influenced Dmytro Dontsov who “encouraged the younger generation to reject ‘common ethics’ and to embrace fanaticism because, as he claimed, only fanaticism could change history and enable the Ukrainians to establish a state.” The OUN accordingly, like Dontsov himself embraced far-right, ethnonationalist and fascist ideas. Indeed, Dontsov copied and mixed together many of his ideas from far-right German and Italian Fascist figures.

Another major influence on Bandera was the failure of the Ukrainian states that tried to emerge from late 1917 onward. All of them, two of which his father was involved in, failed utterly and were crushed by outside forces, either the Poles or the Bolshevik Reds – and often with a mix of assistance from the Germans and the White Russian movement. These same states were chaotic, unable to establish themselves, and their troops, especially from Symon Petliura’s committed murderous crimes against non-ethnic Ukrainians – particularly Jews. It was this milieu that Bandera grew up in and moved in.

Bandera himself did not have a particularly noteworthy life in many respects. One of eight children to Andriy Bandera, a priest in the Ukrainian Uniate Church (part of the Catholic Church but with Orthodox rites), Bandera’s brothers all died during the war – some in German concentration camps in murky circumstances but which were not due to being murdered by the guards or conscious ill treatment – and his sisters all survived the men of the family. He was a sickly child but tried to excel at athletics joining the Scouts-like organization Plast’. His entire family was dedicated to Ukrainian nationalism, but Stepan stood out for his single minded dedication to this. He was noted to be a charismatic speaker and had a commanding presence when he spoke – despite being a relatively diminutive and thin 5’3 man.

In 1932 Bandera, still only 23 took control of the Homeland executive of the OUN. Within two years, using money provided by the government of Lithuania, he had orchestrated a terrorist campaign that culminated in the assassination of the Polish Interior Minister Pieracki in June 1934. Shortly before the assassination Bandera was arrested and subsequently put on trial. However, this trial was the beginning of the Bandera myth. At the trial Bandera refused to answer the prosecution in Polish – even though he spoke Polish fluently – and answered only in Ukrainian. He and the 12 other OUN defendants were rude and contemptuous of the court’s authority – but this was reported on rapturously in the Ukrainian language press. It was also the venue where the OUN premiered its new rallying cry and salute. As Bandera and other defendants were sometimes led away, they would shout “Slava Ukraini! [Glory to Ukraine!]” raising their right arms upwards and outwards just above the peak of the head in a fascist salute with shouted reply “Heroyam Slava! [Glory to the Heroes!]” The cry of Slava Ukraini, Heroyam Slava, often now said proudly and with a smile by western politicians was born as a fascist cry – a Ukrainian Saluto al Duce! Or a Sieg Heil!

In the court in Lvov in 1935, where Bandera was tried again, he had greater opportunity to expound in Ukrainian on his ideals – and it includes this quote which gives an idea of what Bandera, by then only 26 and his supporters were striving for and the words which fired the imagination even then of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians. “The measure of our idea is not that we were prepared to sacrifice our lives, but that we were prepared to sacrifice the lives of others.” This was a renunciation of the normal moral universe where the supreme ethic – dictated for a long time by the Christian example – was willingness to sacrifice oneself in defence of others. Bandera inverted it where the sacrifice of others for one’s goals was the supreme ethic. Despite being a lifelong Christian and religiously observant Bandera often said, “the nation before God.”

Immorality and amorality are exactly what the OUN proceeded to do after 1939. Already in September 1939 Bandera had broken out of jail and in the chaos of the German and then Soviet invasion the OUN made an attempt to construct its ethnostate killing 3,000 Poles and an unknown number of Jews in western Ukraine in September 1939 before being chased out. Bandera and the OUN watched German actions against the Poles and Jews in Poland and instead of being uneasy were excited. They would use those methods against those they saw as their enemies.

Bandera engineered a split in the OUN between the much larger OUN (B) led by himself and the OUN (M) led by Andriy Melynyk. In part the split reflected generational differences. But the differences were over power, control of the organization, and the expediency of certain means. Both were racist, authoritarian, and fascist.

Bandera organized the second OUN congress in Krakow from 31 March 1941 to 3 April 1941. At this Congress Bandera laid out his vision for Ukraine. It was a vision of violence and – for all who did not agree with the OUN’s vision for Ukraine – hopelessness. All political life was to be subsumed in the OUN which would be the only political party allowed in Ukraine. The Jews were to be exterminated. Any non-Ukrainian ethnic groups were to leave Ukrainian territory immediately or be killed. Any ethnic Ukrainians who disagreed with the OUN politically were to be killed. Even before the German invasion the OUN were to go ahead of the invading German troops and start insurrections. Before the Germans arrived the OUN were to have established themselves in the local administrations and found the Ukrainian state and then immediately proceed out to mobilize military age men for military training to go and conquer the greater Ukraine of Mikhnovs’kyi. All Ukrainians were to be required to swear an oath of allegiance to Stepan Bandera as the providnyk and the OUN as the sole ruling party of Ukraine. Finally, this congress established the Red over Black flag you often see in Ukraine today as the OUN’s flag. It’s meaning: blood and soil.

German military intelligence trained OUN-B members in basic military tactics so they could start the planned insurrections and with assistance from the SS organized 700 OUN-B members into two SS battalions made up of Ukrainians and partially officered by Ukrainians – Roland and Nachtingall, including Roman Shukhevych. The OUN-B were not exactly competent. Some groups were intercepted and killed by the NKVD as they tried to cross the Soviet border. In other instances, they started premature uprisings which were put down by the NKVD.

As such the OUN-B had lost a lot of the members who were supposed to establish a Ukrainian state ahead of the Germans. Without permission from Hitler Yaroslav Stets’ko proclaimed a Ukrainian state over the radio in Lvov on 30 June 1941. Interestingly, their role model for this was the declaration of the Croatian state by Ante Pavelic and the Croatian fascist Ustaše earlier in the year.

The OUN further proceeded to imitate the Ustaše by launching a horrifying pogrom against Lvov’s Jews on 1 July 1941 in a spectacle that left even a number of Germans queasy. Rossolinski-Liebe holds nothing back on this. Despite spontaneously enacting part of the Final Solution for the Germans, Hitler was displeased with the OUN’s declaration of Ukrainian statehood. Such an outcome did not correspond to his plans for Ukraine. Bandera was arrested and put in concentration camp but put in ‘honorary custody’ which is to say he was given a heated cell, adequate bedding, and three solid square meals a day, he was allowed books and writing material. In other words, he was treated far better than most ordinary prisoners were in the Third Reich to say nothing of Concentration Camp inmates. Bandera as such was never in Ukraine during WWII.

Meanwhile the Germans wound up the OUN-B when they collaborated but refused complete subordination and continuously murdered OUN-M activists. Nevertheless, OUN-B activists remained at all levels of Ukrainian administration under the German occupation and used their positions to target their enemies when German policy was to target these same groups including Russians and Jews. OUN-B members were also disproportionately represented in the Ukrainian police who guarded sites where Red Army prisoners were worked to death, assisted in deportation, and shooting actions in the Holocaust, and sometimes participated in anti-partisan operations that were usually more akin to organized massacres of civilians rather than military operations as such.

As the tide of the war began to turn the OUN-B decided to jettison collaboration with Germany. Under instructions and orders the OUN-B members in the administration and especially the police deserted their posts and fled to the forests or blended in among the population. This did not signal the start of anti-German warfare. Led in Ukraine by Roman Shukhevych, the OUN-B showed benevolent neutrality to the Germans and instead now as so-called Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) the OUN proceeded to commit genocide against the Poles of western Ukraine. To save ammunition this often involved turning ethnic Ukrainians against their Polish neighbours and bludgeoning people to death.

Rossolinski-Liebe also exposes the myths about the UPA being a pan-Ukrainian force composed not just of western Ukrainians and fascists, but democrats, eastern Ukrainians, and even Jews. Rossolinski-Liebe proves this is demonstrably false. The overwhelming weight of testimony from UPA insurgents, UPA documents and Jewish survivors is that such Jews as there were in the UPA were people captured from ‘forest bunkers’ and were only spared if they had skills useful to the UPA such as a tailor, blacksmith, doctor, or nurse. Any Jews who were not useful were bludgeoned to death. Those Jews who were useful were often physically abused or murdered at will for fun, and whenever a Red partisan or Red Army formation got to close – the Jews with the UPA would all be murdered. As for eastern Ukrainians there were few of them, complained they were given the worst assignments, were never promoted, and sometimes in fits of paranoia were murdered by the OUN’s version of the SS the Sluzhba Bezpeki (SB). Attentive readers might note this is nearly the same as the SBU – modern Ukraine’s secret police.

Where was Bandera? In September 1944 he was released by the Nazis to reorganize the OUN. Bandera realizing which way the wind was blowing made himself scarce. But by the end of summer 1945 was already receiving help from Western Intelligence – the British and the Americans. There was another split in the OUN, Bandera’s group became the OUN Abroad (ZCh OUN). A putatively more moderate faction emerged around the Ukrainian Supreme Liberation Council (UHVR) which was made up of OUN members who shared Bandera’s ideology but did not regard him as the Providnyk and learned to speak the language of democracy and freedom while never renouncing or denouncing their fascist past. Bandera however could never be so subtle and while never proclaiming himself publicly to be a fascist spoke admiring of surviving fascist leaders and proto-fascist thinkers. Subsidized by both the US and UK Bandera lived much better than most displaced Ukrainians or indeed most Germans in Munich. The Zch OUN and UHVR competed for funds and attention and a claim to represent the UPA – with Bandera’s insistence on absolute subordination to his leadership alienating the surviving UPA members who were being systematically found, captured, turned, or killed by the NKVD and MGB. Bandera also used his funds to set up not just a printing press, but to disseminate propaganda and organize the Ukrainian diaspora in Germany around the far-right – and himself of course – but to also found a section of the SB which engaged in murder hunts with the Zch OUN and against the UHVR for anyone who went against Bandera or was suspected of being a Soviet agent. When UK and US intelligence tired of Bandera’s whims, he was safeguarded by West German intelligence, headed by the former head of Freemde Heere Ost Reinhard Gehlen – so another man deeply complicit in atrocities in the Soviet Union.

Bandera’s personal life continued in a state of being constantly engaged politically, writing, keeping fit and depending on who you ask displaying good humour and having a happy family life or being a man who beat his wife and raped a colleague’s wife and even raped his children’s au pair. This ‘heroic’ life was cut short by a former OUN member who had been turned by the KGB.

Bandera’s death gave birth to his afterlife. Despite the fractures he had caused in the Ukrainian diaspora he was immediately mourned and revered as the Providnyk. The anniversary of his death became a commemorative occasion for memory for the Ukrainian diaspora and every five or ten years an excuse to commit an outrage against a Soviet diplomatic mission. With time Bandera’s associations with genocide were able to be so diluted that Yaroslav Stets’ko, the man who had organized the Lvov pogrom was invited to speak to the US Congress and meet US President Ronald Reagan. Bandera’s son also denied any atrocities his father had committed and his grandson Stephen Bandera – named for his grandfather, continues to do so. Perversely while Soviet attempts to portray Bandera gave many an image of Bandera they could despise and vow never to arise again, it reminded people in western Ukraine as the years went by less of atrocities that had been committed – often against them – and more of Soviet excesses committed against them. The negative myth around Bandera came to be positively embraced.

This meant that when Ukraine emerged as a country after the fall of the USSR, the soil of Ukraine was a breeding ground for Banderism. In the West monuments and museums to him quickly sprouted up. Lvov Autonomous National University became the academic standard bearer in Ukraine for historical revisionism and a new orthodoxy which denied the role of the OUN in the Holocaust. Bandera was celebrated officially in film, television and eventually in 2008 by being made a Hero of Ukraine by pro-EU President Viktor Yuschenko. Only then was there a pushback from historians – primarily from the West – against the celebration of Bandera and from parts of Ukrainian civil society. By then though the stage had been set. Bandera had been normalized and was celebrated by much of the population.

That in effect works as a summary, what about as a book? The book is very well structured and written. After the introductory chapter on Bandera’s intellectual and political milieu it covers his life, the OUN and his afterlife chronologically. The book stands out – in my view – as a masterpiece of scholarship. Rossolinski-Liebe uses Polish, Ukrainian, Russian, German, and English language sources and a variety of those at that. In addition to numerous published works, it is evident that he indeed spent more than a decade researching the book to critically analyse and compare what was said by one source against what another said, and it shows in his writing and his footnotes. Given that Rossolinski-Liebe had to obtain access to primary source materials from both the secretive and often mistrustful of outsiders, remnants of the OUN as well as get past the hostile archival gatekeepers of the SBU what he was able to discover and unearth produces the most comprehensive study of Bandera and the OUN that exists in English. Rossolinski-Liebe also takes the time to debunk several myths created by Bandera, about Bandera and the OUN. He also painstakingly details how the OUN came to be, its origins, how Bandera came to prominence and later why he was protected after 1945. Even the briefest section, the afterlife of Bandera, his cult and how it came to take root in Ukraine is not lacking. Rossolinski-Liebe even managed to find a secret Bandera Museum in London – albeit it now appears that the museum is far less secretive since 2014.

It is weighty book, and it is a very recommended buy. The war in Ukraine is shaping our world and reshaping it. To a large extent modern Ukraine, the state and its people see Bandera and his movement as role models to be emulated and looked up to. If you want to know what and who it is that they revere, and that what Western politicians are implicitly endorsing when they cheerfully say “Slava Ukraini! Geroyam Slava” and why you are feeling the pinch every time you buy gas or go to the grocery store – this book will tell you the why of all that. To understand the world around you, to know it, can give you a sureness of mind, purpose and understanding that will allow to anticipate and withstand many challenges. For that reason alone, not just because it is a well written, and extraordinarily well researched book it is well worth the price to know why we are all being asked to pay the price for the dreams of Bandera.


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The Gambler Part 2
How a Vegas Gambler Became Ukraine’s Propaganda Ace

By Evan Reif


Sarah proudly wears the colors of the holocaust perpetrator Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA). Source: nypost.com

The Russo-Ukrainian war has been unique in not just the sheer volume of propaganda it has generated, but also in the rise of mercenary “journalists” working as propaganda agents of a faraway foreign state. One of the most infamous of these is a woman named Sarah Ashton-Cirillo. Formerly a real estate speculator and gambler from Las Vegas, Sarah has managed to transcend most of the right-wing grifters haunting Ukraine and now works as an official spokesperson of the Ukrainian army.

In my previous article, I detailed Sarah’s longstanding ties to the far right, both at home and in Ukraine. Despite this, she has constantly been lauded by the media, receiving recognition far beyond her meager accomplishments. I urge you to read it, as this background is essential to understanding who Sarah really is, as opposed to who a carefully manicured PR campaign has made her out to be.

Unfortunately, Sarah has not been idle. In the past months, she has doubled down and is now one of the most essential propagandists for the Ukrainian far right. Once more, this noxious weed called fascism has laid down deep roots in the black soil of Ukraine.

Setting the table

Sarah has been in Ukraine for over a year now. When she first arrived, she was little more than a small-time blogger, but her connections and willingness to work with the far right led to a meteoric rise.

Sarah’s first position in Ukraine was working with the openly neo-Nazi Kraken unit, some of the most savage criminals of the war. An offshoot of Azov, Kraken was created in Kharkov by a co-founder of Azov, gangster and longtime neo-Nazi terrorist named Sergei “Botsman” Korotikh and is perhaps best known for the infamous kneecapping video that circulated online in the early running of the war.

A group of Russian POWs were pushed from a van and kneecapped on video, then mutilated, tortured, and murdered off camera by Kraken officer Sergei “Chili” Velichko. This was nothing out of the ordinary for Sergei. Before it was scrubbed, Chili’s Instagram was full of graphic evidence of his ghastly crimes at a dairy farm near Kharkov.

Sarah’s connection to Kraken was more than just a job. She lived with the Nazis in Kharkov and became one of their close friends and comrades. In an interview for the Washington Blade, Sarah recounts a time when an unnamed Azov member (most likely one of her comrades in Kraken) comforted her after Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova publicly confronted Sarah on her ties to the far right.

When the American MRA Gonzalo Lira was arrested for the first time, it was Sergei who was responsible, and his friend Sarah was the first journalist he told. Sarah called Kraken heroes and remained embedded with the unit for some time, and even filmed herself on patrol with the unit searching for “saboteurs”, using a modern euphemism for what Chili’s ideological ancestors called Bandenbekämpfung.

        Chili and his commander Botsman taunting Lira on Twitter. Source: Twitter

After a few months of living and working with Nazi murderers, Sarah amassed a considerable following, aided and abetted the entire time by a mainstream media establishment perfectly willing to overlook Sarah’s long-running associations with far-right terrorists. Before long, her work caught the attention of the Zelensky regime, and she began to work in an official capacity for the Kiev junta.

Her first government job came in September 2022 as a civilian representative for the Mayor of Zolochiv, Viktor Kovalenko. In October, she officially enlisted in the Ukrainian Territorial Defense and joined the Noman Çelebicihan Battalion, a small Crimean Tatar unit that is supported by NATO member Turkey.

Members of the unit are comprised mostly of and regularly express support for the neo-fascist “Grey Wolves”, a Turkish terrorist organization that has been proven through multiple court cases and parliamentary inquiries to be founded and directed by NATO intelligence. The Grey wolves are part of Counter Guerrilla, a vital branch of what is colloquially known as Operation GLADIO, the CIA’s 7 decade-long (and almost certainly ongoing), continent-spanning terrorist campaign designed to prevent “democratic” Europe from electing anti-NATO politicians by any means necessary.

The funding for this program came from massive drug trafficking, using ports in Turkey and Italy to unload heroin from Asia, and funds were laundered through the Vatican’s Banco Ambrosiano, making use of the church’s sovereign status and extreme secrecy to launder billions in drug money and distribute it to fascist terrorists away from the prying eyes of investigators.

Founded shortly after WW2, the Grey Wolves are responsible for countless crimes ranging from drug trafficking and assassination (including the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II) to military coups against the Turkish state. They have a presence throughout Europe, deep ties to the Turkish mafia, and are considered so violent and malicious that despite their background, they are banned in several NATO states.

Noman Çelebicihan Battalion members in Turkish uniforms with a MHP (Grey Wolves political wing) flag in the background. Source: Facebook

The Battalion also works hand in hand and shares many members with an international terrorist organization called Hizb ut-Tahir. The violently anti-Semitic, anti-democratic, and fundamentalist HuT seeks to create a united Shia caliphate, and its members have worked very hard to reach their goal. Starting with its founding in 1953, HuT has been involved in dozens of attempted and successful coups in Jordan, Syria, Egypt, Tunisia, and Iraq.

“In origin, no one likes the Jews except the Jews. Even they themselves rarely like each other.... The American people do not like the Jews nor do the Europeans, because the Jews by their very nature do not like anyone else. Rather they look at other people as wild animals that have to be tamed to serve them. So, how can we imagine it being possible for any Arab or Muslim to like the Jews whose character is such?... Know that the Jews and their usurping state in Palestine will, by the Help and Mercy of Allah, be destroyed "until the stones and trees will say: O Muslim, O Slave of Allah. Here is a Jew behind me, so come and kill him.”-Hizb ut-Tahir, 1999

Although it has mostly escaped scrutiny, the organization became known in America on two occasions. The first of which was in 1991, when HuT spokesman Ata Abu Rashta played a vital role in the astroturfed PR campaign to drum up support for the Persian Gulf War. He toured the Middle East giving lectures and debates condemning the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and urging American intervention. Although the US Government had approved of the invasion only a few months earlier, the Kuwaiti monarchy spent millions to change their minds. The campaign reached a crescendo with the heavily televised and entirely fraudulent “Nariyah testimony” and was eventually successful in convincing the American elites to betray their former ally Saddam Hussein and wage war on Iraq in defense of the Kuwaiti slave state.

The second time HuT entered the American political discourse was when it was revealed that the Boston Marathon bombers Tamerlan and Dzhokar Tsarnaev were trained and radicalized by their distant cousin and HuT member Magomed Kartashov. Russian intelligence had warned the American authorities about the Tsarnaev brothers associations with HuT, but their warnings were ignored.

No official explanation was ever given for this “oversight”, but as it has been proven in court that HuT is a proxy of Turkish intelligence and operates within the same apparatus as the Grey Wolves, the reasoning is obvious. American intelligence was loathe to arrest their own agents after they had invested so much into their training.

Sarah’s comrades in arms putting their NATO training to use in Boston. Source: nymag.com

Despite over seven decades of terrorism both great and small, HuT remains legal and operates openly in most of America’s vassals. Notably, the organization is banned in Turkey, which is happy to export its domestic terrorists to its so-called allies.

The Noman Çelebicihan Battalion was one of the many volunteer battalions created in the wake of the Maidan coup and financed by oligarchs looking to carve out a fiefdom in the new Ukraine. In this case, much of the funding came from oligarch-turned-terrorist, Lenur Islyamov.

In 2015, working together with neo-Nazi units such as Azov and Right Sector, this unit was responsible for sabotaging critical power infrastructure to Crimea, leading to a two-week-long blackout that affected over 2 million Crimeans. This was done as part of a larger strategy of blockade, an intentional effort to starve out people the Kiev junta still considers to be its citizens. For this and other crimes, Islymaov and around 60 of the unit’s soldiers were convicted in absentia by a Crimean court. They maintain their innocence, and although the sabotage of Crimean power lines is incontrovertible, they simply do not believe it is a crime to hurt Russians.

Some of Sarah’s comrades, wearing the colors of the Right Sector and the Holocaust perpetrator UPA. Source: Facebook.com
Source: Instagram

Sarah’s association with this unit could be a coincidence, however as she previously bragged on Instagram about how she was in the Turkish capital of Ankara during the attempted coup of 2016, a more profound connection cannot be ruled out. Sarah has known links to intelligence, she has ties to USAID, the US government’s regime change operation which poses as foreign aid, dating back over 20 years. She is a collaborator with the FBI as part of her “infiltration” of the Proud Boys and she is also close friends with a former British Army hacker named Vic Harkness, who worked for DSTL, the British equivalent of DARPA. While none of this represents a smoking gun, it would explain why she was so readily and willingly accepted by the Ukrainian propaganda machine.

Going all-in

Given her complete lack of credentials and relevant skills, the depth and breadth of Sarah’s role inside the Ukrainian state is almost shocking. In a country swarming with experienced and eager propagandists, we must ask why Sarah, in particular, has been given such a prominent role so quickly. She does not speak Ukrainian and had less than two weeks of training from the AFU, and yet she has become the face of the Ukrainian war effort. She is far more than a propagandist, according to USA Today, Sarah is even writing policy for the Ukrainian government. While Sarah is a pathological liar, I can find nothing to dispute this.

After a few months doing propaganda videos for the AFU, Sarah returned to the United States for a propaganda tour in December 2022. Working alongside the CIA-founded and US government-operated Voice of America, she was part of an all-out propaganda blitz. Sarah was wined and dined by the American media, eager to use her status as transexual as a shield against the overwhelming evidence of fascist infiltration of the Ukrainian state. This has been Sarah’s primary goal for some time now, just as it was by the Clark County GOP in Nevada, Sarah’s “unicorn” status is used as a totem by the far-right to ward off attacks.

However, it is very easy to see past the lies to Sarah’s real purpose. While in Washington D.C., she met with some of the most savage killers on earth, men who would make even Kraken recoil in horror. While Chili and Botsman must do their dirty work with rifles and knives, Sarah’s patrons kill millions with the stroke of a pen.

Wicker giving a speech against Pride Month, 2023. Source: wjtv.com

The most prominent of these was far-right senator Roger Wicker (R-MS), one of the architects of America’s full-scale invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan. Wicker is not content to just kill Iraqis and Afghans, he is also fanatically anti-Russian. In 2021 he even threatened a pre-emptive nuclear strike on Russia, threatening to wipe out all life on earth to save the Kiev junta. It is a bitter irony seeing Wicker accuse Russian forces of genocide in Ukraine when a minimum of 4.5 million innocent people were killed by America’s illegalunjustifiable, and unprovoked invasions in the Middle East.

Of course, this is nothing new for Wicker. He has always been one of the staunchest supporters of America’s unprovoked full-scale invasion even after most of his party has turned against it. As late as 2022, Wicker called the Iraq war just and opposed efforts to close America’s illegal black sites such as Guantanamo Bay, where thousands of prisoners are still held without charge and routinely tortured.

After the NATO withdrawal from Afghanistan, Wicker called it "one of the biggest foreign policy catastrophes in my lifetime” and authored a bill to cut off all official contact with Afghanistan. Thanks to Wicker and his comrades after the illegal 20-year occupation killed millions of Afghans, nearly 50% of the nation now faces starvation due to America’s abrupt seizure of humanitarian aid. Many Afghan families are now selling their children into slavery to make ends meet in the lucrative slave markets that have re-emerged throughout countries “liberated” by America.

Despite all of this, Roger Wicker is the leader of the U.S. Helsinki Commission, a senatorial group designed to monitor “human rights” across the globe. In an example of doublespeak worthy even of Orwell, the United States government spends much of its time and effort enforcing “human rights” at gunpoint on the rest of the world. At the same time, these human rights defenders savagely deprive them from millions of innocent people for the benefit of corporations like Lockheed, who was the top donor to Wicker’s political action committee in 2022.

Wicker (far left) with Lockheed’s CEO at a defense forum. Source: navy.mil

This calculus is often invoked among the ruling class. When she was speaking to Wicker’s group, Sarah used her background as a real estate speculator to point out the return on investment from American arms sent to Ukraine. As the war drags on and support for the Kiev junta becomes increasingly unjustifiable, the ruling class are being stripped of their excuses one by one and must admit the real reasons for their wars.

Endless profits for the senatorsthe arms dealers, and the corporations, all of it from blood. This alchemy, turning blood into gold, is the last remaining pillar of what is an otherwise financialized and cannibalistic American economy. It matters very little to them if the blood is Ukrainian, Russian, Iraqi or otherwise, as long as it flows freely into their coffers. The machine must consume human lives to sustain itself.

It should be mentioned that Wicker is one of the most anti-LGBTQ politicians in Congress. Sarah does not seem to have any problem working with him while simultaneously pinkwashing neo-Nazis in Ukraine and attacking Russia as homophobic. For the “rules-based international order”, the rules only matter when they can benefit from them.

It seems that Sarah was successful in her mission, after she returned to Ukraine from her American sojourn, her role was considerably expanded. In February, Sarah claims she was sent to the front lines near Bakhmut with the 113th Territorial Defense Brigade, where she sustained minor injuries to her hand while filming propaganda videos. In the aftermath, Sarah spread fantastical tales about how she had killed scores of Russians in a victorious battle. Curiously, despite this great victory, Ukrainian forces were pushed out of Bakhmut shortly thereafter, leaving behind tens of thousands of dead.

Somehow, the Ukrainian Army was able to part with such a prodigious warrior, as Sarah has not returned to the front lines. After her injury, Sarah settled into a propaganda role creating a series of increasingly unhinged videos called “Russia Hates the Truth”, an ironic title given Sarah’s own relationship with truth resembles that of a Vampire with sunlight. Sarah produces the videos under the aegis of the UAF, but with hosting and promotion from Resolute Square, an offshoot of the failed right-wing Lincoln Project. Resolute Square’s founder is a man named Rick Wilson, who was a long time Republican staffer involved in dozens of campaigns.

Before the Lincoln Project, he was mostly known for creating attack ads targeting Senator and disabled Vietnam Veteran Max Cleland in 2002 for not wholeheartedly supporting America’s illegal full-scale invasion of Iraq, even comparing him to Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden. Cleland was defeated by far-right senator Saxby Chambliss, who once called for all Muslims to be arrested upon entering Georgia. Chambliss received six draft deferments during the Vietnam War, showing us once again who pays for the profits of the ruling  class.

Despite pretenses, Sarah’s videos are exceptionally light on facts. They are usually only a few minutes long and are little more than poorly practiced rants. Sarah shouts propaganda mantras, threatens Russian leadership and tells tales of Ukrainian valor with all the fervor of a bad pro wrestler selling a match.

In one of the most infamous videos, Sarah tilts at windmills in a more literal sense, engaging in a fight with a cardboard cutout of a Russian soldier. The brave warrior with a smirk on her face calls her opponent (and all Russians) a subhuman before the camera fades to black as if she is afraid that her silent companion may have a retort. Sarah’s sycophants and patrons in the western media treated this bizarre performance like it was a revelation of divine truth, and the video has hundreds of thousands of views. The Ukrainian Army claims that Sarah’s videos reach millions and while it is easy to mock her quixotic rants as the work of an increasingly desperate regime, there is something far more sinister beneath the surface.

The Long Game

Just as the night rises against the day, the light and dark are in eternal conflict. So too, is the subhuman the greatest enemy of the dominant species on earth, mankind. The subhuman is a biological creature, crafted by nature, which has hands, legs, eyes and mouth, even the semblance of a brain. Nevertheless, this terrible creature is only a partial human being. Although it has features similar to a human, the subhuman is lower on the spiritual and psychological scale than any animal. Inside of this creature lies wild and unrestrained passions: an  incessant need to destroy, filled with the most primitive desires, chaos and coldhearted villainy.

A subhuman and nothing more! Der Untermensch: The Subhuman

Der Untermensch (The Subhuman), a Nazi propaganda magazine. Source: en.wikipedia.org

Sarah is not the first western propagandist to call Russians subhuman. That dubious honor belongs to Joseph Goebbels. In the 1930s and 1940s, Goebbels and his comrades in the NSDAP used the very same language to justify the murder of over 40 million Soviet citizens, many of them Ukrainian. Just as now, they had the backing of a massive media apparatus behind them, designed to disseminate their propaganda as widely as possible. Many of these propagandists continued working after the war, now under the apparatus of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization instead of the Greater German Reich. Whatever they called it, the goal was the same.

However, the focus on the Nazis overlooks one important point. They did not work alone. Everywhere the fascists went, collaborators emerged like maggots in a wound. The collaborators served a wide variety of roles, both formal and informal, but they were vital in the execution of Generalplan Ost, the Nazi plan to exterminate the entire Slavic people and colonize their land. The Nazis desperately needed as many soldiers as possible at the front and so much of the day-to-day work of depopulating a continent was done by the collaborators.

Ukrainian nationalists murder a Ukrainian woman and child near Miropol Source: timesofisrael.com...

When the machinery of the Greater German Reich was absorbed by NATO, the collaborators were not left behind.

Before the war had even ended, British and American intelligence were already moving to protect the most useful members of the Third Reich and their collaborators. They inherited intelligence networks operated by Hitler’s handpicked spymaster Reinhard Gehlen which had been built to exterminate the Soviet people. Gehlen was taken under the wing of the CIA, where he operated an illegal terrorist organization and helped Nazi war criminals escape to pro-NATO states. Gehlen was rewarded for his service when he was chosen to operate the West German BND, an intelligence agency staffed almost entirely by SS war criminals released from prison on Gehlen’s orders.

The first collaboration between what would become NATO and the forefathers of today’s Ukrainian nationalists came in 1944, when the OUN negotiated a deal with British and American intelligence at the Vatican and by the end of 1945, the leadership of the OUN was living openly in Munich under the CIA and Gehlen’s protection. Stepan Bandera even had a security detail comprised entirely of ex-SS officers.

The collaboration between the two sides continued and deepened after the war. The CIA even parachuted weapons and commandos into Soviet Ukraine to assist groups of SS remnants, Nazi collaborators and local bandits led by UPA commander and holocaust perpetrator Roman Shukhevych. In Munich, the rest of the OUN leadership worked as advisors, gun runners and assassins for the CIA. Although Bandera’s extreme arrogance and intransigence eventually led to him being burned by the CIA after he compromised too many operations, his deputy Yaroslav Stetsko was promoted to lead the CIA’s anti-communist proxies in Europe.

Stetsko was not a moderate by any means, he was the primary ideologist of the OUN and responsible for their worst crimes. When the Nazis invaded the Soviet Union, Yaroslav Stetsko marched at their vanguard. While OUN forces beat the “untermensch” of Lviv to death in the streets with hammers and axes, Yaroslav Stetsko was pledging allegiance to Adolf Hitler in a radio announcement.

Stetsko shakes hands with CIA director turned Vice President, George H.W. Bush. Source: twitter

“The newly formed Ukrainian state will work closely with the National-Socialist Greater Germany, under the leadership of its leader Adolf Hitler which is forming a new order in Europe and the world and is helping the Ukrainian People to free itself from Moscovite occupation.-Yaroslav Stetsko

At first, Stetsko led the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations or ABN, and this was eventually merged with various other anti-communist groups to form the World Anti-Communist League. There, the Ukrainian collaborators worked with such luminaries as the Contras, Sun Myung Moon, several Yakuza leaders, Senator John McCain, Otto Skorzeny and many more in a fascist international that ran operations from Vietnam to Guatemala. Together, they served as Reagan’s “Third Force” who could conjure a revolution or engineer a crackdown anywhere America desired.

Yaroslav Stetsko died in 1986, and his wife Slava took over the organization. In 1991, 50 years to the day after the Lviv Pogroms of 1941, Slava returned to Ukraine and created a new organization, the Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists (KUN), who sat in the ruling coalition of Ukraine from 1991 to 2010.

The small political party provided cover for their real purpose, the KUN actively recruited and trained a military wing called Tryzub, comprised mostly of former police and soldiers. When the time came for them to act, they were ready to implement their decades-old plan. By their own admission, the KUN stood at the vanguard of the Maidan coup in 2014.

Slava Stetsko opening the Rada in 1994 Source: voltairenet.org

After the Maidan coup deposed the democratically elected Yanukovych government, the putschists found themselves in a precarious situation. Their coup was so unpopular that 70% of the military had either defected or deserted, leaving the new regime with a desperate need for soldiers, but very few of them at their disposal. The solution was to deputize the fascists and mercenaries who orchestrated the coup and bolster their ranks with the most savage mercenaries American money could buy. Sarah’s comrade Botsman was among the very first in a long line of hired killers sent to bring Ukraine to heel once again.

The new Special Tasks Patrol police units were unleashed on Ukraine with Western support and training, and they have lived up to the bloody legacy of their ancestors. Fortunately, their plan was only partially successful. While cities like Odessa and Kharkov bled and burned, the people of Eastern Ukraine did not forget the lessons of history and resisted these maniacs at the cost of many lives.

Now, Ukraine stands at a decisive crossroads. As Ukrainians die by the thousands to clear minefields with their bodies in a battle their leaders knew they could not win, we cannot afford to forget who pulls the strings.

The people of Ukraine deserve far better than to be used as chips in a high stakes game. We must do everything we can to make sure gamblers like Sarah, and those who bankroll her, go bust before they can turn any more Ukrainian lives into profits for the gamblers in Washington and Brussels.

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The Holodomor Famine: Unmasking the Genocide Narrative
A Comprehensive Inquiry into the Ukrainian Famine's History and Its Exploitation in Political Warfare

I. Introduction

In the geopolitical chessboard, where nations engage in a dance of power, influence, and interests, the past seldom stays buried. History, with its kaleidoscope of events and judgments, serves as a wellspring of ammunition, readily exploited by those eager to advance their political aims. Such is the case with the narrative of the Holodomor, a famine that swept through the Soviet lands in the grim years of 1932-1933, its shadows still reaching out to haunt the corridors of international diplomacy.

The controversial nature of recognizing the Holodomor as genocide adds another layer of complexity to the already intricate fabric of history. It's a tale that echoes through time, twisted by the whims of political ambition, and now resurfacing with renewed vigor to achieve particular objectives. To explore this territory, one must wear the boots of a historian and the cloak of a diplomat, treading carefully through the mines of truth, myth, fraud and propaganda.

Some see the famine as an unfortunate but unintended consequence of economic policies and political mismanagement; others paint it as a deliberate and calculated act of genocide, a sword aimed at the heart of the Ukrainian people. Who holds the chalice of truth? Is it to be found in political resolutions, such as the recent one adopted by the Italian Senate? Or does it lie buried beneath layers of intrigue, ideology, and expediency?

The recognition of the so-called Holodomor as "a genocide of the Ukrainian people" by the Italian legislators is more than a historical judgment; it is a political statement, a move in a game where the stakes are high and the rules often obscured by the fog of rhetoric. It's a move that ignites debate, fuels emotion, and opens old wounds. But beyond the clamour and tumult lies a nuanced landscape, demanding more than a cursory glance.

It's a landscape filled with questions that beg to be answered, shadows that need illumination, and echoes that resound with the complex interplay of power, politics, and history. This exploration is not merely an academic exercise; it's a journey into the heart of how nations remember, interpret, and utilize their past.

In the coming sections, we'll unravel the threads of the Holodomor narrative, navigate the turbulent waters of political exploitation, and strive to shine a light on a path that leads not to division and discord but to understanding, balance, and respect for the multifaceted nature of history. In the process, we'll expose the mechanisms that turn the wheels of political machinery, revealing the deeper game at play. For history, as we'll discover, is far more than a repository of facts; it's a battlefield where truth and power collide, a complex tapestry woven with the threads of human ambition, triumph, tragedy, and deception.

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Unfolding Dynamics in the Far East: A Geopolitical Chessboard of Power and Possibilities
Russia, China, and North Korea: Pivoting the Axis of Power towards a New Multipolar World Order

In the ever-evolving chessboard of global geopolitics, the Far East stands as an enigmatic and highly contested region. A product of a tumultuous history, shaped by the complex legacy of the Cold War and a myriad of strategic alliances and rivalries, the region has emerged as a critical fulcrum in the balance of global power. Today, we find ourselves on the precipice of monumental shifts within this geopolitical cauldron. The focal point of this power shift is none other than North Korea, long considered an isolated nation, but now gradually transforming into a crucial pivot of international strategy. A strategic dance is unfolding, orchestrated by the adept manoeuvres of China and Russia. As they say, fortune favours the bold - and the bold, it seems, are the rising eastern powers.

Recently, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu made an unprecedented state visit to Pyongyang, which took place from July 25th to the 27th. Accompanied by a military delegation, this significant event was the first of its kind in the post-Soviet era. The timing, the 70th anniversary of the armistice leading to a cessation of Korean War hostilities, was undeniably potent. It wasn’t merely a diplomatic courtesy - it was a statement of Russia’s reemergence as a dominant player on the global stage, a force to be reckoned with, quite literally puncturing a hole into the fortress of sanctions the US has painstakingly built around North Korea.

Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu holds talks with his North Korean counterpart Kang Sun-nam in Pyongyang (Sputnik)

Examining the matter beyond the surface of diplomatic formalities, the conducted tour of North Korea’s missile arsenal, including its newest marvel, the ICBM Hwasong-18, carries a tremendous geopolitical significance. This isn't just a display of Pyongyang's technological prowess; it's a tacit signal to Washington and its allies about the shifting power dynamics in the region. It's an indirect reminder of the potency of the partnerships they may be contending against. This chapter in the geopolitics of the Far East is shifting from speculation to an evocative, tangible reality.

The visit coincided with President Vladimir Putin chairing the Russia--Africa Summit in St. Petersburg, both a grand symphony and a signal of Russia's international clout. The crescendo of this was the VIP tour of North Korea's arsenal of nuclear-capable missiles for the Russian military delegation, a show-and-tell orchestrated by Kim Jong Un himself. This intimate look into North Korea's missile capabilities, including its newest achievement, the Hwasong-18, was a dramatic display of the hermit kingdom’s military prowess and geopolitical assertiveness.

In the grand tradition of international diplomacy, a handwritten letter from Putin to Kim was presented. While the contents remain a mystery, the statement was clear - the roots of Russia-North Korea friendship run deep, and they are to be nurtured, particularly in these times of shifting security landscapes. This sentiment was echoed by Russia's Defense Ministry, which acknowledged Shoigu's visit as an essential step in strengthening bilateral military ties and expanding cooperation.

The letters exchanged and the meetings conducted signal far more than simple diplomatic courtesy. They represent a comprehensive, strategic alignment between Russia and North Korea, particularly in the critical areas of national defence and security. They underscore an emerging consensus, a shared understanding of the regional and international security landscape. The language of 'strategic and tactical collaboration and cooperation' shouldn't be overlooked; it signifies an intense, concerted response to the simmering geopolitical tensions.

The ensuing narrative spun by both nations speaks volumes. It speaks of mutual concerns in defence, security, and the volatile regional environment in the Far East. One can glean a clear reference to "strategic and tactical collaboration and cooperation," which hints at a potentially groundbreaking chapter in this international saga.

The geopolitical ballet gains further complexity with the concurrent visit of Li Hongzhong, Vice Chairman of China's National People's Congress Standing Committee. The synchronized nature of these diplomatic overtures by Russia and China seems to counteract the Biden Administration's push towards a trilateral alliance with Washington, Tokyo, and Seoul.

Last year, the election of pro-western South Korean president Yoon Suk-Yeol marked a significant shift in the region's political landscape. Yoon's realignment towards the West and distancing from Moscow and Beijing, coupled with a more hawkish approach towards Pyongyang, has intensified regional tensions. The blueprint of Washington's approach to the Far East is quite reminiscent of its strategies in the Middle East, where an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty has long been propagated to justify its military presence and substantial arms exports. The difference, however, is that the real targets of Washington's Far East strategy are China and Russia.

The geopolitical ramifications of deepening military cooperation between Washington and Seoul cannot be underestimated. As the confrontations between the two Koreas edge towards escalation, it's not just regional stability at stake, but the equilibrium of international relations. The Biden-Yoon Washington Declaration is a clear indication of America's hardened stance, exacerbating the cycle of provocation and retaliation that threatens to destabilize the region.

It's undeniable that the US, with its latest aggressive stance, is destabilizing the regional equilibrium. Its provocations towards Pyongyang and strategic undermining of the Korean Peninsula's stability are seen as calculated moves designed to counter the Sino-Russian axis. The recent visits by two US nuclear submarines to South Korean naval bases in July exemplify this strategy.

Amidst this international power play, the Arctic shipping route is emerging as a significant point of economic and strategic interest. As the polar ice caps melt, new opportunities for trade between Asia and Europe are opening up. A shipping route through the Arctic could potentially shorten the maritime distance between Europe and Northeast Asia by almost a third compared to the currently used Suez route. This is a game-changing development that falls outside American control, thereby heightening its strategic importance for both China and Russia.

The centrepeice of this shifting dynamic is North Korea's Rajin Port, the most northerly ice-free port in Asia. It holds the potential to become a significant "logistics hub" if linked to the Trans-Siberian Railway. The Special Economic Zone in Rajin is a crucial junction in the Arctic shipping network and is ideally positioned to leverage the Northern Sea Route's potential.

The Arctic shipping route is far more than a time-saving trade corridor. Its strategic value in this era of heightened power competition is profound, as it sidesteps American control and potentially reshapes the global trade map. Amid escalating geopolitical tensions, the early planning and precautions around diversifying shipping routes could be a key strategic move for China's long-term economic and trade security.

While the US continues to fan the flames of tension in North Korea, it is the eastern powerhouses that may eventually benefit from the ensuing geopolitical reshuffle. Shoigu’s groundbreaking visit to Pyongyang aims not just at warming bilateral relations but also integrating North Korea into the geoeconomics of Eurasia. Anticipate that these discussions will figure prominently during Putin's upcoming visit to China in October, potentially leading to new developments within the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative.

With the right infrastructure and political stability, North Korea's Rajin Port could become an instrumental cog in the wheel of Eurasian trade. It could potentially transform into a crucial link between the Arctic shipping network and the bustling ports of Northeast Asia. It's a tantalizing prospect that, if realized, would offer a counter-narrative to America's attempts to contain North Korea.

The implications of Shoigu's landmark visit to Pyongyang are far-reaching. It's not just about improving bilateral relations or boosting national security. It's a blueprint for a greater geopolitical vision, a means to pull North Korea out of isolation and integrate it into the broader geoeconomics of Eurasia. This is a vision not limited by zero-sum games or short-term gain. Instead, it looks to a future defined by cooperation, mutual benefit, and regional stability

In this evolving multipolar world, Russia and China are two pillars standing shoulder to shoulder, but with their roles sharply delineated. Russia is providing the kinetic backbone to the world's unfolding geopolitical narrative, holding back the full brunt of NATO's might through its ongoing SMO in Ukraine. This operation isn't just about the demilitarization and de-Nazisification of Ukraine, but it also serves as a linchpin in Russia's strategic counter-offensive against the West's hybrid warfare. Russia’s decisive response is reshaping the global power dynamic, undercutting NATO's aggressive posturing, and setting the stage for a new era of geopolitical recalibration.

As Russia's military might and industrial prowess keeps the spotlight, China, meanwhile, navigates the intricate world of diplomacy and economic bridges. Continuing to build what Belarusian President Lukashenko aptly coined the 'Golden Globe,' China is solidifying relationships within the Global Majority. This extended alliance of the Global South, united in shared aspirations and challenges, is the rising force that is gradually shifting the axis of the global order.

This emerging reality underscores Russia's pivotal role. The recent Russia-Africa Summit chaired by President Putin is a testament to this. It is an undeniable evidence of Russia's significant strides into Africa, marking its growing influence in this historically underestimated continent.

Putin and participants of the Russia-Africa summit pose for a photo in St Petersburg on July 27th (TASS)

The notion of 'Russian isolation' is being dismantled, piece by piece, with every strategic move. Far from being isolated, Russia, along with China, is aligning itself with the Global Majority. The arrogant Western minority, long accustomed to dictating the world's narrative, now faces the uncomfortable truth of their waning influence. The world is larger and far more complex than the narrow lens through which they have been accustomed to viewing it

Some Final Thoughts

As we draw our narrative to a close, we find ourselves staring into the heart of a fundamental recalibration in global geopolitics. Far from being a distant probability, it is an active, ongoing process reshaping the contours of global power dynamics even as we speak. The Far East, once a mere stage for external power plays, is rapidly transforming into a formidable arena dictating its own rules of the game.

As Russia and China consolidate their strategic alliances and redefine their roles on the international stage, the traditional narrative of unipolar dominance led by the West crumbles before our eyes. The seismic shifts we are witnessing are not merely disruptions; they represent the harbingers of a new, multipolar world order, a brave new world in which power is distributed more evenly across multiple centers of influence. This multipolar world is not a figment of speculative futurism – it is a reality being forged in the crucibles of North Korea, Russia, and China.

The intricate dance of diplomacy, the strategic power play, and the evolving alliances in the Far East are all parts of this great transformation. North Korea, once considered an isolated outpost, is progressively becoming a pivot, a crucial point around which these changes are revolving.

As the partnerships solidify and a distinctive Eastern vision for North Korea emerges, we are witnessing more than just a regional metamorphosis. These events signal a profound shift in the global power balance. Multipolarity is not on the horizon - it is here, altering the rules of the game, shaping new alliances, and redefining international relations.

As we grapple with these changes, it becomes apparent that the arrogant assumption of permanent Western dominance is fading into the annals of history. The Global Majority is emerging as a formidable force, heralding a new era where the geopolitical narrative is written by a diverse array of voices, and not just a Western minority.

The Far East, once perceived through a lens of conflict and controversy, is metamorphosing into a nexus of possibilities and power shifts. Are we on the precipice of a global geopolitical revolution? It would seem so. The Eastern powers are boldly charting a course through this unexplored territory, crafting a future defined by cooperation, mutual respect, and stability.

As the global community watches this transformative phase, the reality becomes clear - the geopolitical chessboard, once assumed to be set in stone, is not fixed. It's dynamic, reflective of the ebbs and flows of international politics. This transformation, this shift from a unipolar to a multipolar world, is not just a future possibility – it is our unfolding reality. In this grand reshaping of the world order, it is not just the pieces on the chessboard that are moving. The chessboard itself is changing.

-Sarah and Gerry

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